January 2023 Character Creation Challenge – Part 17

Day 17, another Tuesday and back to Twilight: 2000 for the third time. This week’s character is Petr Zyuganov a tank driver and machinegunner who deserted from the Soviet forces.

The rolls for Petr were just what I’d envisioned for the character, for once the dice were with me. From the start the idea was for a guy from a small town farming community who was conscripted, found to be good at certain things and then dragged through the shit for years.

I then see him finally acting on his resentment toward the war and deserting as part of the “how did the group meet” thing T2K4 has you write. He was ordered to execute Cunningham and Malmquist after their capture, refused turned on his superiors and helped then escape. Getting injured in the process Cunningham and Malmquist brought him to a hospital where they met… [continued in next week’s entry]

January 2023 Character Creation Challenge – Part 3

Day 3, the first Twilight 2sday of the month. Twilight 2000 is a game I played about 25 years ago with an old gaming group so had to pick up 4th edition when I could. Today’s character is Dominic Cunningham, CIA operative.

A dyed in the wool true believer. Determined to win the war, despite the circumstances, at almost any cost. From an affluent background and straight from education into the CIA serving the country that made his grandaddy’s fortune.

He met the first member of his current group, Josephine Malmquist*, when they were assigned to a team to carry out sabotage missions. Before everything went shit shaped.

*next tuesday’s character.

As is typical with Year Zero Engines, this was a pretty quick build, even using the life path method. Dominic here was lucky with the rolls too, earning every speciality possible for his chosen career before the war broke out.

And whilst I normally find characters this cold difficult to play, this one I am planning to use (along with his team mates) in a solo game of T2K4 in the coming months.

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