January 2023 Character Creation Challenge – Post Mortem

Yep, I know this is late, I know I said I’d do it in the first few days of the month. It was delayed for several reasons;

  1. I’m Lazy.
  2. Hitman 3 just added Freelancer mode and it’s addictive as hell.
  3. I’m lazy

Thoughts presented in no real order, other than how they occurred to me when I was putting together the bullet point draft of this post.

Firstly this has been a fun way to engage with the TTRPG hobby whilst I’m still without a gaming group. Going through the rules, creating a character, learning the ins and outs beats looking at the books on my bookshelf.

I am noticeably better at character creation in systems that I carried over from last year. This year’s D&D and CoC characters didn’t take anywhere near as much time as last year.

Also I improved at character creation on games that were new this time as the weeks progressed. Week 4 characters taking a fraction of the time week 1’s did. Dune was the noticeable example here as the looser more narrative system threw me at first, but was more comfortable by the end. I think I’m now at a stage where I’d be comfortable playing Dune, but not running it,I don’t think I have quite enough of a handle on the game system or style just yet.

Free League’s Year Zero system continues to impress. It’s quite something that the system in Twilight:2000 and Blade Runner from this year, and Alien from last year’s challenge, is so similar across games enabling fairly quick character generation if you’re familiar with another system in the family. Yet the tweaks made for each game really tune it in for the required flavour. Twilight:2000 feel desperate and like they’re trying to survive against the odds, Blade Runner characters feel like noir detectives with better gear and a shitty job.

D&D 5e remains familiar. it was my route back into the hobby and possibly where I’ve made the most characters. This year I took the characters up to 3rd level as that’s where subclasses and more interesting features kick in. This didn’t take much longer if at all than last year’s 1st level characters.

Tiny Dungeon was a last minute addition to the roster after my copy of Blade Runner was delayed. I picked this up last year sometime on offer and it was well worth it. The light pick a few options and done character generation was a breeze and would enable you to get into the game quickly. The rest of the game looking as light makes it seem ideal for quick pick up games.

Speaking of quick, Mörk Borg, quick and very dirty, in a grimy way. This was only made possible by the release of the plain text version of the rules last year. I tried with the normal release and can’t look the the page for too long without a basilisk sized headache developing. Character generation for this was fun and quick, ideal for a game that seems to see characters as disposable. The flavour dripped, almost literally, from some of the descriptions too. As I said in one entry, I think this would be fun for one shots or short campaigns with being so over the top. I don’t think I could face a several month long campaign with this much grimness though.

Cyberpunk Red was very straightforward, it’s an update of an older game so you know what you get; skills, stats, gear, and a lifepath character history. The skill list maybe a bit too long, things like accounting, business, and bureaucracy could all be rolled into business maybe. I guess it depends on how specific you want your character’s skills to be.

The free DLC add ons from R.Talsorian’s site were fun. They really help add a bit more flavour to each character, be it a skateboard and no brains, a bunch of TCG cards, older gear for a more mature character or custom netrunner gear. I hope these continue for as long as possible.

Call of Cthulhu was fun, after making mercenaries and soldiers and spellcasters coming up with normal people with normal jobs is a nice change. Though they’re lives are about to be very not normal.

I think I noted it last year, but the charts for background information really spark my imagination and help flesh out who each character is. This is a common thing across games now but I think CoC‘s is one of the best.

However I would like to see some careers that don’t use EDU for career skill points. Whilst I will always say there’s no suck thing as unskilled work, some careers just don’t use your education that much. I guess true to HPL’s characters this does lead to creating weird intellectual nerds though.

Also I’m not keep on Appearance going down and Education increasing as you age, I’ve only got handsomer and stupider as I’ve aged. More seriously, I’m just not fond of APP as a stat. Maybe it’s just my personal dislike of superficial people.

Overall I’ve been quite pleased with this year’s entries. It’s shown the range of possible characters in hobby, even with these pretty mainstream games. From bartender and professional soldier to insect person druid and minotaur ports hero.

Also this year I learned shortcut keys for ü and Å, this will probably only come in useful in next year’s challenge, as we don’t use those characters in English. Maybe we should though, we need more letters with bits on them.

January 2023 Character Creation Challenge – Part 28

Day 28, end of the last full week, that brings us back to Blade Runner for this week’s character Inspector Joe Dyson (I rolled to see if he’s a secret replicant and it came up human).

Some interesting rolls in the memory and relationship sections. Something happening out in the kipple wastes which I wrote up as him being saved from a dirty partner intending to kill him. And what noir type detective is complete without a very messy once romantic relationship.

The key item roll coming up “A Ring” just had to be tied to the relationship. A wedding ring symbolising what they used to have between them is really rich roleplaying territory.

I can just see Joe as being tired after so many years on the force, but still dedicated to trying to fund the truth. I think he’d be a good counterpart for Rossum from entry 21.

January 2023 Character Creation Challenge – Part 21

Last day of the third week, this is going quicker than last year I’m sure. Today’s game is different to last Saturday as my copy of Free League’s Blade Runner core rules arrived. Tiny Dungeon did well in this slot, but being a simple game there wasn’t much more I could do with it.

Blade Runner on the other hand, well it still has Free League’s straightforward character generation rules, but tweaked to add depth and flavour suitable for the universe they’re being applied to. So this week we have R-55-M “Rossum” of the Los Angeles Rep-Detect unit.

I see Rossum with the attributes and skills I picked as very much a combat focused unit, chosen for the more direct parts of a Blade Runner’s job.

The prompts in the sytem for generating key memories and people are great. Enough there to inspire, without being too specific. They remind me of the prompts in Call of Cthulhu. I took the prompts I got and built a memory designed to push Rossum into trusting the processes and systems in place, and a Person who could influence him an a variety of ways the GM wanted.

His key item, well, depeding on how he reads it it could push hm al kinds of ways.

I’m pretty pleased with how this character panned out. A specific set of skills, good character hooks, weaknesses (low resolve) that could make for interesting RP moments. I would play this guy.

Next week I’ll give building a human a go… well, they’ll think they’re human.

And if anyone wants it, here’s the Form Fillable character sheet I threw together when I couldn’t find one if you wan to download it. (just wish I could rename the “reset” button “Retire”)

Enhance 15 to 23…Gimme a hard copy right there.

My copy of Blade Runner is in the post and on its way to me, so I should be able to use it for a couple of Character Creation Challenge entries.

As a result I went looking for a Form Fillable Character Sheet for it. Sadly no luck, just plain .pdfs.

So I made one, I took one of the plain .pdfs and using the free browser based tool at PDFescape I added text fields, check boxes and a reset button.

You can download it here:

As I don’t have the book yet some of the fields were guesswork. The text fields are pretty self explanatory. The check boxes I made an educated guess based on familiarity with other Free League games (Alien and Twilight:2000)

If I find an error when I get the game I’ll upload a corrected version.

Hope you enjoy!

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